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How I can help

I am a specialist Occupational Therapist working with children and young people. Parents come to me because they are concerned that their child is having difficulties affecting their engagement and participation in everyday occupations. These might be to do with independence in self-care activities, play, responses to sensory experiences, physical coordination for large movements and hand function skills, self-regulation, organisational skills and so on.


Some examples:

"My child is very clumsy. His friends play football and ride their bikes, but he is missing out because he can't do those things..."


"My daughter still struggles to dress herself at age 6. She gets her clothes in a muddle and can't do buttons or tie shoelaces."


"My son gets very upset with loud noises and noisy

places. He fusses about wearing clothes; cries and

struggles when we brush his hair or teeth. He has

a very limited diet. He refuses to do any messy play at his nursery, getting upset if encouraged to finger paint, etc."


"My daughter is doing well with her learning but having difficulties with handwriting."


"My son has cerebral palsy and we are wanting to know how best to support him to feed himself and to use his hands for other things."


Many of the children I see already have a diagnosis such as Dyspraxia, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder,  Asperger Syndrome, Acquired Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy and other neurological disorders, Developmental Delays, Downs Syndrome and others. But there are also many who do not have a diagnosis but are struggling with sensory processing or other difficulties.


My approach is to start with a detailed assessment. This helps to determine what is underlying the child or young person's functional difficulties. I can then plan a specific, individualised therapy programme if intervention is needed.


I can also work with school staff to support what happens for your child at nursery or school.

"Parents may be concerned about something they are observing in their child" 
Catherine Morris, Occupational Therapist, working with a child
Catherine Morris, Occupational Therapist, working with a boy
Call me now or text on
07749 702777 to arrange a time to talk
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